yer plug_ inz. |
[7473] by "Omnid" (
on Fri 30 Nov 2001 18:01:22
[ reply ]
Hey Everyboby,Buffer Override,Transverb,andPolarizer are friggin' amazing!!! I'm using them within Bias Peak VST and like I said;They're friggin'amazing!!!Thanx Destroy FX. |
Thank you! |
[7460] by "ugh" (
on Fri 30 Nov 2001 07:45:45
[ reply ]
I just tried Buffer Override and now I'm gonna download the others...
Great plug-in, great idea! |
OSX Support |
[7453] by "Jeff Taylor" (
on Thu 29 Nov 2001 17:09:48
[ reply ]
Hey, I'm happy that you've made these OSX compatible, but what application works with the plug-ins?
I'm using Spark ME and 10.1.1 and its not functioning properly. Any suggestions?
>in the VST Plug-ins (they don't show up in Spark)
>in the Spark Plug-ins folder (they show up, but all audio is distorted)
please advise,
Jeff Taylor |
Thanks. |
[7395] by "M_W_N_P" (
on Sat 24 Nov 2001 12:38:40
[ reply ]
These plugins are great.
I'm using Transverb a lot at the moment.
M_W_N_P |
nice!! |
[7347] by "pscottm" (pool-162-84-143-194.ny5030.east.)
on Tue 20 Nov 2001 19:50:30
[ reply ]
hey, just would like to say THANK YOU for making available these awsome plugs. and they work beautifully on a mac (in logic!) and without the pain-in-the-ass that usually accompanies this combination. i'm sure any spektral/reaktor users out there know what i mean! i would pay money for these things. cheers.. |
awsome fx! |
[7044] by "8fm" (pool0436.cvx29-bradley.dialup.ea)
on Mon 05 Nov 2001 22:00:52
[ reply ]
your new fx are fucking awsome- especially the transverb....very nice!Cant wait to hear more!automating the random function in fruity has some crazy effects.
k |
plug in |
[6920] by "jeff the weez" (
on Mon 29 Oct 2001 12:32:26
[ reply ]
well first off thanks for the feebee plug ins a nice bonus .alot of times when i get thenm there still buggy or corrupt no big deal ya gotta try thrm .i never dtop to say hello to anyone but i am now a member *lol* i am using cubase through ADat from a makki board .been doing this for a a year and found out alot but know i am learning .i really know bigger places are asking a arm and a foot for these plugins i paid over 6 hun cannadian for the cubase 5.i am i creating now so i will put in your plugins ona version of one song and send it to you,if it converts to mp3 ok ,last time i converted it to mp3 it came out like it was in water or muddy .i dont know if there is a setting i could use to reduce latency when it takes a song and converts a mp3 copy..just to be fair i did it in wav format and no problemo...dont know where i was going with that ...but a big thanks |
Excellent job, men ! |
[6683] by "" (
on Tue 16 Oct 2001 06:51:43
[ reply ]
I just discovered and tested your amazing collection of plugins.
you've completed the challenge to build some tools that are new, experimental AND musical.
I love them all :-)
Thanx for this contribution, you're great !... |
thanks |
[6599] by "r.u.sirius" (
on Sat 13 Oct 2001 05:08:33
[ reply ]
these plugz are NEW! great!
thanks a lot!
r.u.sirius |
Brillant! |
[6588] by "Frozen" (
on Fri 12 Oct 2001 16:37:25
[ reply ]
Guys, just a big, big thank you for those extraordinary plugs! One of the most inspiring and easy to use ones by now!
Keep up that good work!
Frozen |
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