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re: Merry Christmas
[66679] by "hugnzzz" (   on Sat 03 Jan 2009 01:16:36     reply ] [ up ]
at least the spoken word returning is good because everyone including Dave can communicate issues. Being a father to such young children must heart breaking for all. But I'm glad to see you are all getting along with it....I guess at times you don't realise that a lot of progress is being made. Sometimes, it takes a friend who has seen someone for sometime....and reminds you all that "there is progress"

I haven't had a stroke but at end of January I will celebrate 5yrs of a renewed life when my health status changed....not to well, well but to one that meds can alliverate. In late 2006, I made a decision to go to University (07 start) as a Mature Student and I'm nearly 1/2 way through my degree.

I just realised a few weeks ago what I had actually achieved to hear my most supportive friends say "we know that!" :-)))

that's what I mean about not always seeing the full picture if you are close to the coalface i.e. your son :-) take care...

hugnzzz in New Zealand