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re: Merry Christmas
[66724] by "Discriminated against" (   on Tue 06 Jan 2009 10:37:31     reply ] [ up ]
u know we "see" each other every day and don't stop to think about the other person... really think about them.  but since this, i've tried to change.  the trolls don't bother me at all now.  when they're around, if i don't feel like being nice, i just leave, knowing they have some problems of their own and this is how they're dealing with it.  so it's fine.  dave getting his voice back after about 4 mos of being unable to communicate except for a thumbs up or down is truly a miracle.  i live in tx and him in mi, but i talk to him about 3 x's a day now.  my cousin told me not to focus on the "old" and be thankful for the "new".  her son took his life at 16, twenty years ago.  so that is what i'm trying to do.  my prayer is that somehow he will be able to do some sort of walking along with his wheelchair.  of course i'd like not to see the wheelchair, but i don't want to be greedy with God. He's answered so many prayers already.  so hugnzzz, i will add you to my prayer list and hope someday that you can say your health status has changed tremendously!!  and i can't wait until u post that u graduated!!  on another note, was in NZ a few years ago.  Beautiful!!  so enjoy life today.  play and be happy.   xoxo