Super Destroy FX: re: buffer override not repeatable? (zoom)

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re: buffer override not repeatable?
[20179] by "Marc" (   on Mon 10 Mar 2003 15:45:47     reply ] [ up ]
Hi.  You are probably correct that BO is running "continuously" and that is why each playback is different.  In which host app are you running BO?  The reason why I never implemented a DSP-state-reset control into BO is because there are already ways to make this happen via the features that the plugin formats have to offer.  In other words, the plugin formats that we support (Audio Unit and VST) have DSP-reset functions as part of the API.  Many plugin hosts will trigger that reset when you stop and restart playback.  Every plugin host should do the reset if you bypass and unbypass the plugin (and if not, then that's a bug in your host).  So anyway, if you could tell us which host app you are using, we will have more to say about that.

Also, if you are by chance using the AU version of BO, there actually is a bug where it will never reset.  I fixed that bug a few weeks ago, but I may not have uploaded a newer fixed version to our web page yet.  Let me know if that's what you're using and I'll make sure to put a fixed version up on our web page.