General (archives): re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player (zoom)

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re: Complaint Against Uncooperative Player
[14789] by "An old TP'er" (   on Fri 30 Aug 2002 14:07:48     reply ] [ up ]
I haven't actually played scribble in years (since before the greet Snoot outage of '99-2000 (or whenever it was)). I greatly enjoyed the higher-level cooperative play of the TP'ers (Team Players) like LJ and the others who played back then. I would be driven away (if I weren't already gone) by a persistent game-wrecker. While Tom7 insists on letting everyone play using whatever style or strategy they like, intentionally disrupting the cooperative effort to achieve high scores on the hidden boards might be grounds for action. If not, we may all have to take a few months off and hopefully the game-wrecker will have grown bored and moved on. Less fun to wreck games if you're the only player left.

LJ's message includes the URL of an active game (#15), rather than that of any particular game. The game 15 to which LJ refers was eventually completed and archived. Thus, the posted URL takes you to the current game 15 rather than the specific game referred to. I looked back through the archives (fun, fun, fun) and I think the following may be the game that LJ intended to refer to: