Super Destroy FX

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dfx buffer override bug?
[26647] by "funkelf4x" (   on Mon 29 Sep 2003 15:59:17     reply ] 
This plugin has a syncing problem on my machine. Or do I something wrong? I use SX. Often it's doesnt sync exactly. If I switch the plugin off/on then, it syncs well again. Could it sync right just all the time? Regards.
consider it brought
[24821] by "Anonymous" (   on Thu 14 Aug 2003 07:21:20     reply ] 
plug um in and bring it
getting the midi to the plugs in Logic 4.8
[23900] by "Pappskalle" (   on Mon 28 Jul 2003 15:30:38     reply ] 


I have just gottten hold of these fx (REZ, MIDI gater and Scrubby) and I'm wondering how to make them work.I can't get the MIDI messages to them...

Going through hyperdraw I can automate them,but that isn't the way theyre supposed to work.
I've tried to put a physical input wired to the audio object.But that doesnt seem to do the trick.

Some help from you more experienced users.
I'm on a MAC by the way
S.E.T.I. & Si_COMM 'Probe'
[22817] by "lagowski" (   on Sun 22 Jun 2003 00:43:57     reply ] 
As I mentioned previously, we have been using DFX plug-ins extensively on our new album 'Probe'. Full credit to DFX will be given on the sleeve. We are now looking for a label for the release but are already working on our next collaborations.
Anyone who wants the full concept document can email me a request to

SAXZNA (image by Si_COMM)
musician's collective
[22795] by "Anonymous" (   on Sat 21 Jun 2003 05:34:05     reply ] 
anyone who enjoys the music these fx are associated with should check out the 'alpha CAT boogie' website for info and downloads on experimental artists from florida. URL is
Buffer Overide w/ midi? cheap?
[22788] by "Anonymousss" (   on Fri 20 Jun 2003 18:02:32     reply ] 
Are there any free (or very cheap) ways to use Buffer Overide as a midi-played-vocoder?
thank you, destroy fx!
[22482] by "nim" (   on Mon 09 Jun 2003 06:53:00     reply ] 
just wanted to say that I've had great use of the plug-ins. last week I used geometer & scrubby (in audiomulch) to deconstruct bruce springsteen's `born in the usa' at a music recycling happening in göteborg, sweden. I've also started to use the plug-ins regularily in all sorts of composition. geometer is just fabulous.

some of my stuff can be found at

[22448] by "Lagowski" (   on Fri 06 Jun 2003 18:34:12     reply ] 
I recommend playing tracks through DFX plug-ins such as Scrubby or Buffer Override and then through More Feedback Machine! try it with some voice stuff - the effect is mental!
Working on 'posthuman' sounds and this stuff does the business :-)
looking 4 releace team
[22422] by "frieza" (   on Thu 05 Jun 2003 09:16:26     reply ] 
Hello folks !

im a user of cubase and reason!

Im looking fore some dudes who like to share these stuff !

most of all interrested in vst instruments and plugins :)

Care To SAhare
Geometer Revisited
[21792] by "[d]" (   on Mon 12 May 2003 00:52:33     reply ] 
I've just rediscovered Geometer and all the wackiness that it brings to the game.  Tweaking (and recording) the parameter sliders in realtime results in dynamic sounds never heard by the human ear!  Now, here's the question:
can Geometer's oscilloscope be turned off?  I know the amount of cpu it eats up is probably puny, but every little bit helps, ya know?  I mean, I love the interface, but in those circumstances that require max cpu cycles, it would be cool to have the option to shut the realtime display off.  

If not, don't worry about it.  I want you guys working on those new plugins!  

Heh.  Thanks much (again, and again, and again...).

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