Super Destroy FX

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Sonasphere & DFX plug-ins
[21732] by "Lagowski" (   on Sat 10 May 2003 08:49:49     reply ] 
I've been using Sonasphere by Nao Tokui but the DFX plug-ins don't show up in the available plug-ins list, even though they're in the 'components' folder under OSX. Any ideas?
used 'em!
[21714] by "HeuristicsInc" (   on Thu 08 May 2003 11:55:02     reply ] 
It's not exactly a release, but you can hear this noisy experiment on my webpage.  It uses Geometer and Scrubby, and sounds absolutely nothing like anything I've done before...
"Trying to Grow a New Brain"
If that link doesn't work try this one:

While you're there you could try remixing my track, Anemone, for imminent release :)

Thanks for the plugins!
bufferoverride question / comment -
[21469] by "Anonymous" (   on Sun 27 Apr 2003 14:31:19     reply ] 
hey, i'm running mac osX + ableton live v. 2.0.3 + sometimes yr bufferoverride interface is missing the text + knobs + whatnot [all controllable parameters] when i open it up.  they're still tweakable, just not visually present.  thanks for providing yr plugins for free, btw.  i enjoy them all a lot.  z.
broken fft
[21202] by "Anonymous" (   on Sat 12 Apr 2003 13:13:26     reply ] 
Does anyone know when "BrokenFFT" will be out/done?This sounds like a very interesting plug-in...
Thank you !
[21125] by "Ivo Ivanov" (   on Tue 08 Apr 2003 20:25:12     reply ] 
A quick thank you from a very appreciative sound designer who uses your DFX plugins to no end. You can count on a nice donation as soon as I make some real money ;)
You can hear the music at
Haven't done anything to the site since October, but will do a complete makeover along with new material in the next couple of months. If possible I  would like to add you to my modest lineup of links.

Thanks again

[20440] by "Resonance" (   on Thu 20 Mar 2003 10:12:49     reply ] 
Res from KvR here.  Guys, mono-maker is the shit!  I use it in every track I do.  Totally indispensable.

I have a feature request though that would make it super useful to those of us that use it:

Could you please make a version that will allow the option of not only summing the two channels together, but also let you have an option to choose only the left or right channel?  And maybe even an option to choose a percentage of how much each channel is used?  There are a lot of VST samplers out there with stereo instruments that have horrible phase issues when summed together equally - situations like that require just one channel or the other.

And in a situation where you wanna mono-ize a stereo drum overhead, and get that crash that's more on the left side than the right, you could choose a 100% left channel, and then maybe dial in a little of the right channel for extra ambience so it sits farther back when it's mono...  Know what I'm sayin'?

That would make mono-maker THE most valuable vst effect for me.

Whaddya say???  :-)

Thanks for a great plug!!!
[20263] by "emcee asoludicrous" (   on Thu 13 Mar 2003 19:54:35     reply ] 
Image: TAPEHEAD (1024x768)
buffer override not repeatable?
[20137] by "dsp wanker" (   on Sat 08 Mar 2003 17:30:56     reply ] 
You know how the buffer override isn't repeatable?

ie, you record a bunch of controls for it, and then if you play the same thing through it several times, it will sound slightly different each time.

The 'difference' is proportional to the buffer size, which makes me think that it is because the buffer just runs continuously, and doesn't reset on start... Is that right?

If it's possible to have some kind of a reset such that buffer override becomes reliably repeatable, that would increase it's usability no end...

see below
[19893] by "fish" (   on Thu 27 Feb 2003 08:01:02     reply ] 
amazing plugins guys! keep up the excellent work! ;-)

greetings from ghent, belgium

Hey boyeeezzz
[19818] by "[d]" (   on Mon 24 Feb 2003 00:57:25     reply ] 

I just got enraptured with your plugins again.  Every time I open a new project, I find a new use for them.  

Try this: use a reverb in the effect chain before the Transverb--the added harmonics that the reverb introduces will create "ghost chords", ambience, and other etherial textures.

Also, using a dynamic filter (modulated by an envelope or LFO) in conjunction with the BO makes for some funky results.  

Hey, by the way, how are those new plugins coming along?  That "Broken fft" thing sounds like it could be ffreeesssshhh!

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